Institutional Organization

Departments of the Foundation

The Foundation is compartmentalized into several departments and subdivisions to fulfill the various functions and needs of the site. The non-command staff of these bodies incorporates the rank and file of the Foundation.

These bodies are categorized as civil, combative, or miscellaneous departments.

Personnel are permitted to be employed for a maximum of one combative department and two civil departments, or three civil departments. Miscellaneous departments do not apply to any capacity.

Some departments and agencies have authority over certain personnel (as specified) that can be exercised in these situations:

* Foundation Personnel are defined as civil personnel unless a department name is explicitly stated.

Section 1: Civil Departments

Scientific Department

The Scientific Department is a mass of elite scientific experts, specializing in anomalous research and unconventional methodology. Recruited from the most prominent institutions of global and anomalous science, the Scientific Department spearheads the anomalous and technological innovation and development of the Foundation. The Scientific Department studies the interaction and containment of anomalous objects or entities in the custody of the Foundation, utilizing globally conscripted death row inmates.

Medical Department

The Medical Department is responsible for the health and well-being of all Foundation Personnel and assets. Practitioners are recruited from top medical institutions and research, typically specializing in trauma and high-pressure application of medical practices.

Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee is the primary enforcement and prosecutorial entity of the Foundation, responsible for enforcing the laws and operational standards of the Code of Ethics. Moreover, the Ethics Committee collectively curates the Code of Ethics and its policies, with the advisory of the O5 Council.

Audit and Accountability Committee

The Audit and Accountability Committee is the Foundation's internal auditing body, tasked with evaluating and guaranteeing effectiveness, efficiency, and ethicality within the operations of the Foundation's administration apparatus by using its investigative authority and resources to report and advise the O5 Council on administrative matters of interest. The committee is also responsible for the enforcement of ordinances and directives ratified by the O5 Council. Furthermore, the committee investigates harmful or threatening acts inflicted upon community members and works to protect the victims of such acts.

Department of External Affairs

The Department of External Affairs is a group of renowned diplomats tasked with representing Paragon throughout the genre. The Department of External Affairs focuses exclusively on participating in genre-wide diplomacy, the Department of External Affairs seeks to create and uphold appropriate associations in the best interest of the Paragon Research Institute. 

Section 2: Combative Departments

Security Department

The Security Department is the largest of the combative departments in the Foundation responsible for the overall security and protection of the Paragon Research Institute. This is obtained from guarding the Class-D Containment Zone (CDC/CDCZ), patrolling civilian and SCP housing sectors, and escorting Scientific Department tests along with Medical Department checkups.

Security Response Unit

The Security Response Unit is one of the two detachments of the Security Department, holding the responsibilities of uncontrollable Class-D riots, hostage negotiations, and other combat-related events. 

Military Police

The Military Police are one of the two detachments of the Security Department, holding the responsibilities of ensuring on-site compliance with the Code of Ethics with Foundation Personnel, guarding and patrolling SCP containment zones such as the loading bay, and Clean Rooms. The Military Police are one of the Foundation's enforcement bodies, holding the authority to detain and arrest Foundation Personnel of any department that is not in compliance with Foundation law or legislation.

Mobile Task Force

The Mobile Task Forces are comprised of military specialists from the world’s secret and special operations units, or recruited from talent discovered internally. The Mobile Task Forces commonly conduct unorthodox or exceptional operations, which are divided among several task forces. Paragon Research Institute has 3 task forces and 1 sub-division posted within the facility.

Lambda-7 “Doorkickers”

Lambda-7 serves as the primary combative arm of the Mobile Task Forces, having the primary responsibility of engaging in combat against hostile raids from Groups of Interest (GOI) such as GRU Division “P”, and rioting Class-D’s.

Eta-9 “Wardens”

Eta-9 is the re-containment, and containment security arm of the Mobile Task Forces. Their primary objective is to guard and patrol SCP containment zones such as the Medium Containment Zone (MCZ) and Heavy Containment Zone (HCZ). Eta-9 also holds full control and authority in SCP re-containment. These operatives can also be found escorting Sentient SCPs around the site such as SCP-049, and SCP-343.

Delta-1 “Gatekeepers”

Delta-1 is primarily responsible for the safety and protection of the Foundation's command. Acting as bodyguards, Delta-1 operatives protect O5 Councilors, Site Directors, Foundation Personnel holding Security Clearance-4, and -3, and other Foundation executives.

Omega-4 “Honor Guard”

Omega-4 is responsible for ceremonious demonstrations within the facility, particularly at public events. Omega-4 operatives are handpicked by the Captain, symbolizing the Mobile Task Forces’ most honorable members.

Section 3: Miscellaneous Departments

Internal Tribunal Department

The Internal Tribunal Department serves as the primary body that handles appeals for reprimands that are issued for non-compliance with the Code of Ethics, Foundation Legislation, and Department handbooks. The Internal Tribunal Department holds the authority to overturn any reprimand that is issued to Foundation Personnel. Please note, ITD does not handle or appeal reprimands such as bans, mutes, or kicks, whether in-game or on Discord that are issued by the PRI Moderation Team.

Manufacturing Department

The Manufacturing Department is responsible for the development and upkeep of the site and other departmental features. The department is sectioned into groups, responsible for a developmental aspect, such as scripting. 

Lore Department

The Lore Department serves as an immersive department, carrying out the history of the Foundation, its anomalies, and its events. This department works with the Manufacturing Department to ensure that there are enough interactive events on-site.

Anomaly Actors

The Anomaly Actors is a department responsible for sentient anomalies on-site and giving a dynamic experience for personnel. The department also plays a role in testing, providing sufficient interactions and engagement.