General Provisions

Interacting With SCPs

Paragon Research Institute contains many sentient SCPs, capable of interacting with personnel. For the well-being and cooperation of residing SCPs, it is essential that all SCPs are treated in a respectful, adaptive manner. Personnel violating any article of this chapter should be verbally warned before being prosecuted for provocation of an SCP, pursuant to COE 6.1.15, unless such act is knowingly in violation or a flagrant attack of an SCP, where they should be immediately prosecuted for the corresponding crimes. Any type of interaction with non-hostile SCPs, including being confrontational/non-compliant, as long as it does not directly harass the actor, resulting in multiple Foundation casualties, causes the SCP to breach or disobey the orders of an SCP's authority figure (ETA-9 or MP), is allowed.

Moreover, the facility contains object SCPs and staff must follow a general standard when handling them for the preservation of the anomaly and safety of personnel, see Section 7. Unauthorized or improper handling of object SCPs* will be prosecuted for mishandling of an SCP, pursuant to COE 6.1.16.

*Lambda-7 may use SCPs in accordance with their own regulations to assist them in their duties.

For reference of the described SCPs, see the Paragon Science Hub SCP List

Section 1: SCP-131

SCP-131 has various instances, listed in its research file.

Section 2: SCP-4966

SCP-4966 has various instances, listed in its research file.

Section 3: SCP-527

SCP-527 is one of the sentient anomalies from its research file.

Section 4: SCP-2561

SCP-2561 is one of the sentient anomalies from its research file.

Section 5: SCP-343

SCP-343 is one of the sentient anomalies from its research file.

Section 6: SCP-662

SCP-662 is one of the sentient anomalies from its research file.

Section 7: SCP-049

SCP-049 is one of the sentient anomalies from its research file.

Section 8: SCP-079

SCP-079 is one of the sentient anomalies from its research file.

Section 8: Handling of Objects

This section applies to all SCPs deemed inanimate objects, contained as minimal-risk items in specialized boxes housed within the Secure Storage Wing, or in larger or high-risk settings, contained in designated chambers in the Medium or High Containment Zone.