Crimes and Criminal Procedure

Due Process

The punitive process refers to the system for investigating and penalizing criminal conduct, conduct which violates Chapters 1 and 2 of Title 6.

The prosecutorial power shall be primarily vested in an Ethics Committee and exercised in accordance with the mandates of this chapter alongside internal regulations.

The judiciary power shall be vested in the Internal Tribunal Department's courts. 

Section 1 — Punitive Process

Subsection 1: Investigation

For the purposes of this subsection, the terms investigating officer and sentencing officer will be used;

Subsection 2: Sentencing

For the purpose of this subsection, sentencing guidelines refer to the applicable punishments and range of duration attached in each section of chapters 1 and 2.

Section 2Penalties

Subsection 1: Written Warning

Subsection 2: Foundation Suspension

Subsection 3: Foundation Blacklist

a. All clearance and positions lost resulting from the foundation blacklist are not re-obtained upon expiration of the blacklist. They are lost until they are re-obtained through standard means of progression.

Subsection 4: Administrative Blacklist

a. All positions lost resulting from the administrative blacklist are not re-obtained upon expiration of the blacklist. They are lost until they are re-obtained through standards means of progression.

Subsection 5: Command Expulsion