Crimes and Punitive Process


In the operations of Paragon Research Institute, all Foundation Personnel must abide by the ethical conduct standards of the Foundation.  The infractions outlined in this chapter is prohibited behavior prosecuted by the Ethics Committee or the O5 Council.

This title contains the definitions and penalties associated with each crime. Some sections may contain footnotes - indicated by an asterisk (*), when the pure definition may be unclear, which provides specifications or examples of crimes for easier understanding. Some footnotes may also contain which violations have a statute of limitation, setting the maximum amount of time that witnesses have to report a crime to the Ethics Committee.

The codified penalties associated with each punitive charge are general guidelines for sentencing, but punishments below or exceeding the defined ranges can always be requested and enacted when proportionate.

All punishments issued by the Ethics Committee and department command may be appealed via the Internal Tribunal Department. Personnel must seek an appeal through the ticket system. Personnel are not guaranteed or entitled to a hearing if a Tribunal Officer sees no merit to the appeal.