General Provisions

Testing Procedures and Ethicality

The Scientific Department is responsible for the testing and experimentation of housed anomalies; however, they are bound to ethicality and required testing procedures when they wish to conduct a test. Tests are observed by the Ethics Committee per these considerations:

Any unethical test may be canceled by the Ethics Committee or Military Police. The Mobile Task Forces may cancel tests that pose a considerable risk of breaching containment.

The Scientific Department can request waivers from the Ethics Committee when special testing on anomalies is desired. ScD must prove that the requested waiver(s) allows for discovering unknown or legitimately informative results and that the requested waiver(s) corresponds with the necessary methodology.

Regulations may be temporarily modified for specialized experimentation by those who hold proper authority:

FP Testing Regulations

Non-Sentient SCP Testing Regulations

SCP-4966 Testing Regulations

Observing Anomalous Experiments and Testing

Foundation Personnel are permitted to observe anomalous experiments and tests conducted within Paragon Research Institute, in accordance with the clearance restrictions below, based on testing location:

Low-Security Biological Testing

Located on Sublevel-4 and alternatively titled the Cleanrooms, observing facility operations in this sector is permitted for:

Medium Containment Zone and Heavy Containment Zone

Located on Sublevel-6 and 3 respectively, observing facility operations in this sector is permitted for:

Foundation Personnel with Security Clearance-1+ can spectate only with prior permission from the hosting researcher.