Part III, Chapter 3
Facility Policies
Anomalies & Testing
§1. Sentients
A. Personnel must not intentionally aggravate, provoke, or antagonize a sentient anomaly.
B. Personnel must not breach or interfere with recontainment of a breached anomaly. All personnel must avoid breached SCPs and recontainment efforts.
C. All sentient SCPs (except for 662-1) are under Eta-9 jurisdiction.
i. SCP-662-1 falls under the jurisdiction of the Military Police.
The following regulations apply to specific SCPs, and must be observed to avoid violating clause A and B.
All instances must not be physically or verbally attacked in any manner.
SCP-131-Purple is exempt from this article when the appropriate combative forces are preventing the anomaly from impeding security.
All instances must be treated with respect and care.
All personnel must avoid intentionally stepping on any instances.
Foundation Staff must not shine lights directly in the eye of any instances.
Personnel must not spray at any instances’ eyes outside of testing or sample collecting.
Visual exposure to SCP-1200-15 should be avoided.
SCP-035 must be referred to as “Hermes” out of respect.
SCP-035 must be treated with care and respect.
SCP-035 must not be given the location of SCP-049.
SCP-035 must not be physically or verbally attacked in any manner.
This article is voided if ordered by MTF.
Orders given by SCP-035 are not to be followed.
All instances must not be physically or verbally attacked in any manner.
SCP-4966-RED and RUBY are exempt from this article when the appropriate combative forces are preventing the anomaly from impeding security.
All instances must not be intentionally stepped on.
All personnel may not intentionally provide any items or tools that can be deployed to cause physical damage to others (weapons, melee, explosives, etc.) outside of controlled testing.
Giving smoke bombs or items that do not cause physical damage are exempt.
Outside an official test and secure testing environment (079's containment) no SCP controlled, influenced, or based electronically may be within the proximity of SCP-079.
SCP-079 may not be brought outside of its chamber unless the following conditions are met:
An official test or event requires SCP-079 to be removed from its chamber, or authorized by Eta-9 Command.
The current protocol is Normal, and the site is stable.
SCP-079 may not be brought to, placed in, or dropped down any of the following: Inner CDC, the inside of any SCP chamber, elevator shafts, & acid water.
Sentient anomalies are permitted to access and interact with SCP-079 freely; however, Eta-9 may remove an anomaly from SCP-079's presence should they deem it necessary.
Personnel are not to use violence to instigate a reaction from SCP-343.
SCP-343 must be treated with respect and care.
SCP-2561 must be treated with respect and care.
Orders given by SCP-2561 must be followed by personnel under the rank of Security Class-3.
This ruling does not need to be followed under the following circumstances:
A location or direction to SCP-527.
An action that would result in complying personnel breaking either department rules, site regulations, or the Code of Ethics.
Any action declared as void by attending Eta-9, the Ethics Committee, or any Security Class-3+.
Placeable radios should not be brought into the proximity of SCP-2561.
SCP-662 must be referred to as “Mr. Deeds” out of respect.
SCP-662 must be treated with care and respect.
SCP-662 must not be physically attacked or verbally threatened in any manner.
Only Security Class-3+ can pick up the bell. Personnel ranked below may request Mr. Deeds when he appears; however, they must follow these regulations:
Security Class-3+ may request any weapons, usables, or misc items.
Security Class-2 may request secondary weapons, usables, or misc items.
Security Class-0 and 1 may only request usable or miscellaneous items.
Scientific Personnel may request necessary items for a test or an interview.
Requests should not result in harming any personnel, Class-D, or other anomalies.
Once Security Class-3+ personnel are done with the request(s), they must drop the bell or place it in its original place. Disobeying this regulation will result in a Improper Use of Anomalies charge.
Items requested to Mr. Deeds must only be taken by the person requesting.
SCP-049 must be referred to as “Doctor” out of respect.
SCP-049 must be treated with care and respect.
Orders given by SCP-049 must be followed to avoid death or possible SCP agitation unless any of these exceptions apply:
Personnel classed Security Class-4 or above, as well as anomalies, must not be harmed. The deaths of these personnel will deem SCP-049 hostile.
Excessive waste of Foundation and/or Class-D resources must be refused. Specific problematic Class-D personnel may be terminated at the order of SCP-049.
Personnel must not utilize the “cure inverse” or “cure squared” near SCP-049.
SCP-527 must be referred to as “Mr. Fish” out of respect.
SCP-527 must be treated with respect and care.
SCP-527 must not be physically attacked or verbally threatened in any manner.
In the instance that an SCP-527 mob starts, Foundation Personnel must follow these specific guidelines:
Foundation Personnel may kill/attack other personnel and Class-D except for Security Class-3+.
Foundation Personnel must be ordered by Mr. Fish to kill/attack authoritative bodies, including combative.
Foundation Personnel may not interact with any SCP objects or contained anomalies during an instigated mob that can cause a containment breach.
Weapons must be turned into combative after a mob has calmed down. Failure to do so will count as a theft charge.
Personnel may not attempt to succeed in instigating a mob with SCP-527.
Personnel should not attempt to bring SCP-527 and SCP-2561 into contact. Similarly, if SCP-527 is armed, he should not be told where SCP-2561 is.
§2. Objects
A. Personnel shall not intentionally infect themselves or provide themselves with the effects of an anomaly.
B. Personnel shall not test an anomaly on themselves or other individuals.
C. Only combative personnel may transport object anomalies.
§3. Testing
Pending re-write.
The Scientific Department is responsible for the testing and experimentation of housed anomalies; however, they are bound to ethicality and required testing procedures when they wish to conduct a test. Tests are observed by the Ethics Committee per these considerations:
The test question must not risk:
A containment breach;
Harm or unreasonable distress to an anomaly;
The termination of an anomaly.
The use of Class-Ds in the test must not:
Be wasteful;
Wasteful is defined as having an excessive amount of Class-Ds than what is needed for the testing procedure.
Resulting in avoidable death.
Avoidable death is defined as any death serving no discovering purpose or that could’ve been avoided through obvious alternatives.
Before a Scientific Department member prepares to conduct their test, they must have the following prepared:
A well-thought-out test question and hypothesis before the test begins;
If the researcher has a backup question/hypothesis, then they can substitute it if it is needed.
The anomalies that are being used in the test are available; it is the test host’s responsibility to ask for the requested anomalies availability;
Loading Bay anomalies, if available for testing, must be retrieved and placed into the Cleanrooms chamber or at the checkpoint before the testing group arrives.
Foundation Personnel Testing Regulations:
Personnel can only be used against anomalies that are non-permanent, friendly, and safe.
Personnel may only be used if there are not enough Class-D’s online.
Personnel may also be used if an anomaly that meets the previously mentioned criteria is being tested to see whether or not it behaves differently with foundation personnel as opposed to Class-D’s.
Personnel must accept the request to be tested, they cannot be tested against their will.
Personnel follow a 4 FP:1 combative ratio for SD.
Personnel must be disarmed before entering unless required for the experiment.
Non-Sentient Anomaly Testing Regulations:
The Scientific Department may attempt to terminate any non-sentient anomaly except for SCP-1162.
All anomalies, except for sentient anomalies, can be put inside SCP-1162.
Any non-sentient anomalies that comes in a box may be used however the tester wishes as long as it provides beneficial results to the Foundation, and does not cause issues on-site.
Beneficial results are discoveries which bring scientific value to the Foundation. This includes but isn’t limited to: recontainment methods, effects on other anomalies (both physical and behavior), effects on personnel.
SCP-4966 Testing Regulations:
SCP-4966 may be freely harmed/terminated if necessary for the testing procedures. Verbal harassment is not allowed.
SCP-4966-RED and SCP-4966-RUBY must have Eta-9 “Wardens” present during testing procedures and possible breach sounded for more dangerous tests.
SCP-4966 instances must not be fed any type of lethal tool, deployable or weapon unless the test question requires it.
Observing Experiments and Interviews:
Foundation Personnel are permitted to observe anomalous experiments and interviews conducted within the Paragon Research Institute if given prior permission by the host.
All personnel of the Ethics Committee and Internal Security Department can spectate without prior permission. If these entities spectate a test, they do not count towards any in-place spectator limits.
Members of the Scientific Department are bound to the Code of Ethics during experiments; however, these laws can be voided and/or reduced with an Ethics Waiver. Ethics Waivers can be requested from the Scientific Review Office under the Ethics Committee within the Scientific Department server.
Experiments on anomalies under the jurisdiction of Eta-9 “Wardens” may be canceled by Eta-9 “Wardens” provided there is merit behind the cancellation. The following is a list of basic criteria to cancel an experiment;
Any experiment/interview which guarantees a breach.
May still be conducted if; the Researcher has an Ethics Waiver and a test question with proper research purpose behind it, and Eta-9 “Wardens” accepts the experiment.
Any experiment which could heavily impact site operations (Ex: Moving SCP-008 to Sublevel-4, moving SCP-173 to SCP-457's chamber)
May still be conducted if; the Researcher has an Ethics Waiver and a test question with proper research purpose behind it, and Eta-9 “Wardens” accepts the experiment.
Any experiment/interview which has no research purpose.
Any experiment which unnecessarily wastes foundation assets (Ex: Having 5 Class-D's for an experiment/interview that only requires 2).
Regulation voided for mass experiments.
Any experiment which could result in the termination of an anomaly.
May still be conducted if; the Researcher has a Termination Permit.
Any experiment must not hold the potential to cause a containment breach unless Eta-9 “Wardens” is notified of the possible consequences.
Any test should not result in avoidable death.
Furthermore, “common sense” policies are enforced (ex: it conflicts with a lore event, the researcher doesn’t have the right rank, failure to follow orders, lying to Eta-9 “Wardens”, etc).
Eta-9 “Wardens” maintains the right to deny any experiment if they determine that the experiment has a high likelihood of a containment breach, even if a waiver is obtained. This cannot be overruled by any member of the Foundation besides the Administrator, Chairman of the Council and the Mobile Task Forces Overseer, or a superior member of Eta-9 “Wardens”.
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