Part III, Chapter 3

Facility Policies

Anomalies & Testing

§1. Sentients

A. Personnel must not intentionally aggravate, provoke, or antagonize a sentient anomaly.

B. Personnel must not breach or interfere with recontainment of a breached anomaly. All personnel must avoid breached SCPs and recontainment efforts.

C. All sentient SCPs (except for 662-1) are under Eta-9 jurisdiction.

The following regulations apply to specific SCPs, and must be observed to avoid violating clause A and B.










§2. Objects

A. Personnel shall not intentionally infect themselves or provide themselves with the effects of an anomaly.

B. Personnel shall not test an anomaly on themselves or other individuals.

C. Only combative personnel may transport object anomalies.

§3. Testing

Pending re-write.

The Scientific Department is responsible for the testing and experimentation of housed anomalies; however, they are bound to ethicality and required testing procedures when they wish to conduct a test. Tests are observed by the Ethics Committee per these considerations:

Before a Scientific Department member prepares to conduct their test, they must have the following prepared:

Foundation Personnel Testing Regulations:

Non-Sentient Anomaly Testing Regulations:

SCP-4966 Testing Regulations:

Observing Experiments and Interviews:

Members of the Scientific Department are bound to the Code of Ethics during experiments; however, these laws can be voided and/or reduced with an Ethics Waiver. Ethics Waivers can be requested from the Scientific Review Office under the Ethics Committee within the Scientific Department server.

Experiments on anomalies under the jurisdiction of Eta-9 “Wardens” may be canceled by Eta-9 “Wardens” provided there is merit behind the cancellation. The following is a list of basic criteria to cancel an experiment;

Eta-9 “Wardens” maintains the right to deny any experiment if they determine that the experiment has a high likelihood of a containment breach, even if a waiver is obtained. This cannot be overruled by any member of the Foundation besides the Administrator, Chairman of the Council and the Mobile Task Forces Overseer, or a superior member of Eta-9 “Wardens”.

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