General Provisions

Information Security

This chapter goes into effect July 26th, 2023, to permit departments to transition to compliance.

Certain information and records possessed and produced by the Foundation may necessitate varying degrees of restriction on public dissemination of that information. The appropriate classification of such information is determined based on how publicly disseminating such information would negatively affect these factors:

Moreover, information desired to be private, which is not pertinent to the public, may receive minimal classification which makes the dissemination of the information discretionary only to the subject of such information. (e.g. an appellant may share the final determination of their own Internal Tribunal Department hearing, but that information should not be openly shared by others.)

Section 1: Public

There are no dissemination restrictions placed on the information.

Section 2: Private

The information is private and not widely publicized. The department producing the information is responsible for the privacy of the information, and the subject may discretionarily share the information.

Leakage of this information should be deleted and warned by moderation. Repeat offenses will be investigated by the Internal Security Department, and the perpetrator will be ordered to cease. Failure to cease sharing the information inappropriately will result in suspension for insubordination (COE 6.1.2).

Section 3: Internal

The information is marginally restricted. The information is best kept restricted, but unauthorized dissemination would result in unsubstantial effects to the Foundation.

Documentation containing “internal” classified information must adhere to section 3, articles 7 and 8, of the Standardized Security of Assets.

Central Command, as defined in Title 2, Chapter 2, is permitted to discretionally classify certain department documentation as “internal.”

Leakage of this should be deleted and reported by moderation. Leakage may be reprimanded at the department level, or criminally when repeated.

Section 4: Confidential

The information is moderately restricted. It is a necessity that the information is kept restricted and unauthorized dissemination would result in considerable effects on the Foundation.

Documentation containing “confidential” classified information must adhere to section 3, articles 7 and 8, of the Standardized Security of Assets.

Information classified as “confidential” must be classified based on precedent or reflect the factors associated with the “confidential” classification. 

Section 5: Secret

The information is heavily restricted. It is imperative the information is kept restricted and unauthorized dissemination would result in significant effects on the Foundation.

Documentation containing “secret” classified information must adhere to section 3, articles 7 and 8, of the Standardized Security of Assets.

Information classified as “secret” must be classified based on precedent or reflect the factors associated with the “secret” classification.