Crimes and Punitive Process

Ethical Infractions

The Foundation defines ethical infractions as petty crimes contrary to codified laws, ethics, and operational standards.

Section 1: Disorderly Conduct (COE 6.1.1)

Anyone who: (a) engages in verbal impudence which is disruptive, offensive, or harassing behavior, (b) engages in explicitly unwanted, disruptive physical contact, (c) violates the Foundation Dress Code* and refuses to alter attire, is guilty of disorderly conduct.


First Offense: Verbal Warning

Second Offense: 24 to 48-hour suspension

Third Offense: 72 to 96-hour suspension

*Dress code has a statute of limitation of two days.

*Disorderly conduct outside of dress code violations has a statute of limitation are three days.

Section 2: Insubordination (COE 6.1.2)

Anyone who: (a) engages in intentional disobedience to recognized authority* and legal, spoken orders* is guilty of insubordination.


First Offense: Written Warning

Second Offense: 24 to 48-hour suspension

Third Offense: 72 to 120-hour suspension

*Recognized authority includes members of Foundation Oversight and enforcement agencies.

*Insubordination requires disobedience of a command, direction, or request that is given/spoken. If authorities do not speak, then the conditions for insubordination are not met.

*Insubordination has a statute of limitation of three days.

Section 3: Solicitation (COE 6.1.3)

Anyone who: (a) orders or encourages someone to commit any crime or violation outlined in the Code of Ethics, which results in such crime being carried out, is guilty of solicitation.


First Offense: Written warning or 24-hour suspension

Second Offense: 48 to 72-hour suspension

Third Offense: 96-hour suspension

*Solicitation has a statute of limitation of four days.

Section 4: Evasion (COE 6.1.4)

Anyone who: (a) attempts or succeeds in avoiding or escaping detainment or questioning*, whether handcuffed or not, by an enforcement authority appropriately exercising their authority, or (b) leaves the Foundation group or commits any act which circumvents active punitive action, is guilty of evasion.

*This only applies when an enforcement authority is questioning someone who has committed a crime, or when there is reasonable suspicion of a crime.


First Offense: 24-hour suspension

Second Offense: 48 to 72-hour suspension

Third Offense: 96 to 168-hour suspension

*Evasion has a statute of limitation of five days.

Section 5: Obstruction of Operations (COE 6.1.5)

Anyone who: (a) deliberately hinders, impedes, or blocks on-site operations or events*, or (b) prevents personnel from conducting or continuing their official duties, is guilty of obstruction of operations.


First Offense: Written warning or 24-hour suspension

Second Offense: 48 to 72-hour suspension

Third Offense: 96 to 168-hour suspension

*Including, but not limited to: instigating Class-D riots, assisting the escape of Class-Ds, and disrupting or mishandling hostage situations (see Universal Hostage Regulations).

*Attempting to hinder the operation of any blast doors (including breach shelter) will result in your termination.

*Obstruction of Operations has a statute of limitation of five days.

Section 6: Trespassing (COE 6.1.6)

Anyone who: (a) enters an area they're unauthorized, as defined in Title 5, Chapter 2, or (b) evades a manned checkpoint or any clearly defined checkpoint created within the facility by the Military Police when on a civil team, is guilty of trespassing.


First Offense: Written warning

Second Offense: 24 to 48-hour suspension

Third Offense: 72 to 96-hour suspension

*Trespassing has a statute of limitation of three days.

Section 7: Theft (COE 6.1.7)

Anyone who: (a) attains an item not granted by their clearance or department*, whether it was dropped or dispensed, is guilty of theft.*

* Personnel may take medkits if there are less than three Medical Department personnel on.

* Combative may pickup dropped weapons; however, they cannot use them.


First Offense: Written warning or 24-hour suspension

Second Offense: 48 to 72-hour suspension

Third Offense: 96 to 120-hour suspension

*Theft has a statute of limitation of five days.

Section 8: Misuse of Equipment (COE 6.1.8)

Anyone who: (a) uses throwable equipment without legal reason, (b) excessively deploys (more than five of the same) placeable equipment, or (c) not properly following Chapter 6: Equipment*, is guilty of misuse of equipment.


First Offense: Written warning

Second Offense: 24-hour suspension

Third Offense: 48-hour suspension

*Misuse of equipment has a statute of limitation of five days.

Section 9: Vandalism (COE 6.1.9)

Anyone who: (a) deliberately damages or destroys the Foundation's property (lights, glass, etc.), is guilty of vandalism*.

*Breaking firedoors are not considered vandalism.

*Combative personnel are exempt from vandalism if they are within reason (includes shooting out lights and windows/glass to get an advantage in combat).


First Offense: Written warning

Second Offense: 24-hour suspension

Third Offense: 48-hour suspension

*Vandalism has a statute of limitation of five days.

Section 10: Unlawful Discharge of a Firearm (COE 6.1.10)

Anyone who: (a) discharges a firearm in any situation or manner which Title 3, Chapter 3 does not permit, is guilty of unlawful discharge of a firearm*.

*Combative personnel are exempt from unlawful discharge.


First Offense: Written warning or 24-hour suspension

Second Offense: 48 to 72-hour suspension

Third Offense: 96 to 120-hour suspension

*Unlawful discharge of a firearm has a statute of limitation of seven days.

Section 11: Aggravated Brandishing (COE 6.1.11)

Anyone who: (a) aims a firearm specifically at someone, or (b) equips or brandishes a firearm in any manner around a Delta-1 protectee outside of the regulations in Title 3, Chapter 3, is guilty of aggravated brandishing*.

*Combative personnel are exempt from brandishing under regulation B; combative personnel need a reason to aim/point a firearm at an individual.


First Offense: Written warning or 24-hour suspension

Second Offense: 48-hour suspension

Third Offense: 72 to 96-hour suspension

*Aggravated brandishing has a statute of limitation of five days.

Section 12: Assault (COE 6.1.12)

Anyone who: (a) punches, (b) attempts to or succeeds in shooting, or (c) deploys any harmful equipment against a sentient being* in a situation that is not permitted, is guilty of assault.

*Members of the Mobile Task Forces may participate in boxing matches with Class-Ds if protocol normal is active and the CDCZ is stable.


First Offense: 24-hour suspension

Second Offense: 96 to 120-hour suspension

Third Offense: 144 to 168-hour suspension

*Items that can “harm” are any items that can deduct health when used against a person. 

*Sentient beings are considered personnel and anomalies.

*Assault has a statute of limitation of seven days.

Section 13: Murder (COE 6.1.13)

Anyone who: (a) Directly and unjustifiably kills or indirectly causes death recklessly, is guilty of murder. 


First Offense: 24 to 72-hour suspension

Second Offense: 96 to 120-hour suspension

Third Offense: 144 to 168-hour suspension

* Murder of 4 or more individuals doubles the duration ranges for each offense. 

*Murder has a statute of limitation of seven days.

Section 14: Reckless Endangerment (COE 6.1.14)

Anyone who: (a) acts in such a way that legitimately increases the danger of injury or death, or (b) utilizes any form of facility controls in a mindless or illegal way that results in danger of injury or death, is guilty of reckless endangerment.


First Offense: Written warning to 24-hour suspension

Second Offense: 48 to 72-hour suspension

Third Offense: 96 to 120-hour suspension

*Reckless endangerment has a statute of limitation of seven days.

Section 15: Unethical Testing (COE 6.1.15)

Anyone who: (a) executes a test that violates any article of Title 4, Chapter 2, is guilty of unethical testing.


First Offense: Written warning or 24-hour suspension

Second Offense: 48 to 96-hour suspension

Third Offense: 120 to 144-hour suspension

*Unethical testing has a statute of limitation of seven days.

Section 16: Provocation of an SCP (COE 6.1.16)

Anyone who: (a) violates any article of Title 4, Chapter 1, Sections 1-6, is guilty of provocation of an SCP.


First Offense: Written warning or 24-hour suspension

Second Offense: 48 to 96-hour suspension

Third Offense: 120 to 144-hour suspension

*Provocation of an SCP has a statute of limitation of four days.

Section 17: Mishandling of an SCP (COE 6.1.17)

Anyone who: (a) violates any article of Title 4, Chapter 1, Section 9, is guilty of mishandling an SCP.


First Offense: Written warning or 24-hour suspension

Second Offense: 48 to 72-hour suspension

Third Offense: 96 to 120-hour suspension

*Mishandling of an SCP has a statute of limitation of four days.

Section 18: Circumvention of Laws (COE 6.1.18)

Anyone who: (a) exploits a loophole or ambiguity to conduct an act which, to a reasonable person*, would be, is, and was clearly destructive to the Foundation's property, personnel, or operations is guilty of circumvention of laws.

* A "reasonable person" shall be defined as one who demonstrates a level of judgment, care, and caution that would be expected of an average, ordinary person facing the same situation or circumstances. The "reasonable person" is naturally prudent and exercises ordinary care with due regard for the safety, well-being, and interests of others and the Foundation. Therefore, for Circumvention of Laws to be charged a "reasonable person" operating under those qualities and conditions would reach the conclusion that their act or the act of another would be, is, and was destructive, despite the act potentially not explicitly condemned by the Code of Ethics.

Violators are penalized under the most accurately associated charge. 

*Circumvention of laws has a statute of limitation of twenty-one days.

Section 19: Rogue Misconduct (COE 6.1.19)

Anyone who: (a) intends to cause major interruption on-site is guilty of rogue misconduct. 


Banned for 24 hours or until EC Punishment reviewed

First Offense: 30-day Foundation blacklist

Second Offense: Permanent Foundation blacklist