Facility Operations & Procedures
Locational Provisions and Protocols
Each location and room within Paragon Research Institute has various access clearance levels, enforced by the combative forces and enforcement entities of the Foundation. It is essential all personnel understand the corresponding access clearance for each facility location.
Signage must be clearly provided at the entrance of each individual location.
Individuals holding Security Class-4+ may freely enter any area of the site given proper reasoning. Security Class-4+ may also authorize staff into unauthorized areas when accompanying them.
Individuals holding Security Class-3+ or members of the Scientific Department ranked Senior Researcher+ are permitted to request Class-D personnel (that aren't in solitary) outside the Class-D Containment Zone as long as they follow basic security briefing. Personnel that are permitted to request must give proper reasoning and the escort per Class-D ratio should be the same as tests (3 CD per 1 SD).
Scientific Department Senior Researcher+ may only request Class-Ds for experimental purposes or to interact with safe and neutral SCPs on-site.
Security Class-3+ may request Class-D personnel for any reason they deem fit, though they may not bring them into high security areas (i.e. Cleanrooms, Loading Bay, etc.).
Section 1: Sublevel-3
General Provisions
Any room not already accessible by someone’s clearance should not be entered unless done within the exceptions codified for that particular room.
Heavy Containment Zone (HCZ)
All civil personnel, except for Security Class-4+/ISD/EC, are restricted from entering the Heavy Containment Zone without a combative escort.
Examples of reasons to enter the area would be the following;
Conducting/spectating department activities (e.g spectating/hosting a test, hosting site tours, etc.)
All Foundation Personnel, aside from the Mobile Task Forces or other combative forces operating under MTF directives, are restricted from entering the internal containment chambers of any containment zone.
Containment controls may be operated by the test host; however, MTF has complete jurisdiction over gate controls.
Research staff must instruct the use of gate controls verbally.
Operatives of Mobile Task Force Eta-9 are permitted to refuse instructions that risk breaching the SCP, unless breach precautions are waived in the case of specialized testing.
All operation of containment controls must abide by internal procedures.
Facility Entrance Lot
Foundation Personnel must not scale or climb any structural supports possibly accessible from open ledges in the entrance lot.
Section 2: Sublevel-4
General Provisions
The internal spawn area - defined as any room past the office’s waiting room - is restricted to all personnel on-team of the office’s respective department.
Individuals may enter these areas when on official business and accompanied by a representative of the respective department.
Any room not already accessible by someone’s clearance should not be entered unless done within the exceptions codified for that particular room.
Secure Storage Wing/Loading Bay
The Secure Storage Wing houses low-risk inanimate objects, contained within specialized transfer boxes for versatile application in anomalous research.
All civil personnel, aside from combative forces/Security Class-4+/ISD/EC, are restricted from entering the inner zone of the Secure Storage Wing - all rooms after the initial waiting room.
Only combative forces are permitted to handle and transfer the objects held in the Secure Storage Facility.
Section 3: Cleanrooms
Low-Security Biological Testing Wing
Low-Security Biological Testing Wing, unofficially the ‘Cleanrooms’, contains various low-risk objects and entities within designated chambers and is a controlled environment for low-risk testing and interaction of anomalies.
All civil personnel, except for Security Class-4+/ISD/EC/SRT/ScD Junior Command, are restricted from entering the Low-Security Biological Testing Wing without a combative escort.
Examples of reasons to enter the area would be the following;
Conducting/spectating department activities (e.g spectating/hosting a test, hosting site tours, etc.)
All containment controls can be operated by the testing host.
The Military Police is responsible for all civil traffic within the Low-Security Biological Testing Wing.
All civil staff must be briefed and searched before entering the Low-Security Biological Testing Wing, as according to internal regulations.
Any civil personnel deemed disruptive or uncooperative can be removed or restricted from entering the Low-Security Biological Testing Wing.
The Military Police has authority over Cleanroom Labs; Eta-9 is requested to be pinged before the testing procedures for infectious tests.
The Cleanroom Labs lobby area may be entered by all civil personnel.
Rooms such as the meeting room, lecture room and laboratory are still restricted to all non-essential personnel.
Section 4: Sublevel-5
General Provisions
Any room not already accessible by someone’s clearance should not be entered unless done within the exceptions codified for that particular room.
Class-D Containment Zone (CDCZ)
The Class-D Containment Zone houses all Class-D personnel in Paragon Research Institute. The zone starts at the yellow and black striped line, adjacent to the stairs leading up to the CDCZ Viewing Area.
All civil personnel are restricted from entering the Class-D Containment Zone, except for:
Security Class-3+ personnel*;
* Security Class-3 may enter Outer CDC unaccompanied if Protocol Normal is active and they are not interfering with ongoing operations. However, they must have an escort with them if they request to enter the inner Class-D Containment Zone.
Ethics Committee staff;
Internal Security Department staff;
Medical Department staff;
Department of External Affairs staff;
This doesn't include Foreign Representatives.
Community Moderation Team staff;
Specialized Research Team members.
All tunnels around the site are restricted to all personnel with the exception of combative.
CDCZ Viewing Area (VA)
All personnel are permitted to enter the Viewing Area.
Supporter Lounge
Adjoined to the Viewing Area, a private lounge is offered for supporters of Paragon Research Institute.
No personnel should enter the Supporter Lounge unless they possess supporter or are conducting official business.
Section 5: Sublevel-6
General Provisions
Any room not already accessible by someone’s clearance should not be entered unless done within the exceptions codified for that particular room.
Medium Containment Zone (MCZ)
All civil personnel, except for Security Class-4+/ISD/EC, are restricted from entering the Medium Containment Zone without a combative escort.
Examples of reasons to enter the area would be the following;
Conducting/spectating department activities (e.g spectating/hosting a test, hosting site tours, etc.)
All Foundation Personnel, aside from the Mobile Task Forces or other combative forces operating under MTF directives, are restricted from entering the internal containment chambers of any containment zone.
Containment controls may be operated by the test host; however, MTF has complete jurisdiction over gate controls.
Research staff must instruct the use of gate controls verbally.
Operatives of Mobile Task Force Eta-9 are permitted to refuse instructions that risk breaching the SCP, unless breach precautions are waived in the case of specialized testing.
All operation of containment controls must abide by internal procedures.