Facility Operations & Procedures

Locational Provisions and Protocols

Each location and room within Paragon Research Institute has various access clearance levels, enforced by the combative forces and enforcement entities of the Foundation. It is essential all personnel understand the corresponding access clearance for each facility location.

Signage must be clearly provided at the entrance of each individual location.

Individuals holding Security Class-4+ may freely enter any area of the site given proper reasoning. Security Class-4+ may also authorize staff into unauthorized areas when accompanying them.

Individuals holding Security Class-3+ or members of the Scientific Department ranked Senior Researcher+ are permitted to request Class-D personnel (that aren't in solitary) outside the Class-D Containment Zone as long as they follow basic security briefing. Personnel that are permitted to request must give proper reasoning and the escort per Class-D ratio should be the same as tests (3 CD per 1 SD). 

Scientific Department Senior Researcher+ may only request Class-Ds for experimental purposes or to interact with safe and neutral SCPs on-site.

Security Class-3+ may request Class-D personnel for any reason they deem fit, though they may not bring them into high security areas (i.e. Cleanrooms, Loading Bay, etc.).

Section 1: Sublevel-3

Section 2: Sublevel-4

The Secure Storage Wing houses low-risk inanimate objects, contained within specialized transfer boxes for versatile application in anomalous research.

Section 3: Cleanrooms

Low-Security Biological Testing Wing, unofficially the ‘Cleanrooms’, contains various low-risk objects and entities within designated chambers and is a controlled environment for low-risk testing and interaction of anomalies.

Section 4: Sublevel-5

Section 5: Sublevel-6