General Provisions
Firearm Usage and Self-Defense
Some personnel may possess firearms; however, there are certain regulations that all Foundation Personnel must follow regarding firearms and self-defense. Emergency Medical Services and the Internal Security Department are exempt from certain regulations listed below and are required to follow their internal guidelines regarding firearm usage (all changes must be approved by the Ethics Committee).
Foundation Personnel must not brandish or use any firearm in these manners:
Firing randomly, regardless of whether anyone is or can be harmed.
Aiming at someone outside of self-defense.
Firing upon GRU-P unless directly shot at.
Equip a weapon*, holstered or not, near any Security Class-4+ or Delta-1 protectee.
Personnel may brandish their weapon near any Security Class-4+ if they are in a hostage situation.
Security Class-4+ may brandish around other Security Class-4+.
*Weapons are defined as firearms and melees.
Foundation Personnel are permitted to defend themselves, under any of these circumstances when no combative are present:
Someone has illegally attacked you with a weapon or fists.
Someone infected with SCP-008 or SCP-409 is approaching an unsafe distance.
A Class-D points a gun at you and is near you (i.e. same room).
A Class-D is firing (same room) at other nearby personnel.
A Class-D is attacking you, with a weapon or fists.
Hostages may defend themselves from hostage takers as outlined in the Universal Hostage Regulations.
If armed rioters are intentionally or unintentionally using innocent Class-D personnel as cover, combative personnel are permitted, as a last resort, to discharge firearms through crowds of Class-D personnel in an attempt to terminate the rioters. However, combative personnel are expected to attempt alternative measures if innocent Class-D personnel are in the line of fire.
Some suggested measures include:
Throwing a flashbang into the crowd.
Using non-lethal stun weapons, such as a baton or beanbag shotgun on innocent personnel.
Moving to a new angle in an attempt to fire directly at the rioter.
Combative personnel who do not attempt alternative measures, assuming their life is not in immediate danger, before firing through innocent Class-Ds may face punitive action at the discretion of their respective department command.