Chapter 7: Equipment
Section 1: Radio Usage
Radio Misusage falls under Misuse of Equipment (CoE 6.1.8), and it is where an individual inappropriately uses the radio.
Examples of inappropriate behavior:
Spamming the radio with unnecessary/useless messages
Creating false callout for combatants and other personnel
e.g. stating a Class-D is in an area
Argumentative conversations on the radio
Intentionally obstructing site operations
e.g. stating the location of Mr. Fish to Broadcast
Using the panic button for no reason
Examples of proper radio usage:
Useful/informative messages
e.g. location of roaming Class-Ds, injured personnel, requesting backup, etc.
Answering simple questions from other personnel
Small, short conversations
As long as it is not obstructing operations or any other site functions, Foundation members can have conversations on the radio. However, if the conversation is getting too long, Foundation members must utilize the chat.