Facility Operations & Procedures

Facility Status Protocols

The procedures and protocols of site operations vary depending on the determined status of the facility. Facility status may be confirmed and changed by specific entities based on security situations that can occur within the site.

Section 1: Normal Operation

The facility is stable and secure, with no threats apparent or foreseen.

Staff Movement

Staff may travel the facility freely and conduct all duties as usual.

Security Posture

Combative forces continue conducting normal duties and patrols. Points of interest should be swept periodically.

Section 2: Rise

Combative forces are experiencing considerable unrest in the Class-D Containment Zone, and an immediate combative response is required to avoid the loss of the CDCZ.

Staff Movement

Staff should prepare for evacuation from Sublevel-5 and comply with directives from combative forces suppressing the unrest. Civil duties on other sublevels may continue as usual.

Security Posture

Combative forces* should immediately report to the Class-D Containment Zone and suppress the unrest, clamping potential points of exit from the CDCZ.
* Guarding units are exempt from responding to site emergencies when actively protecting a VIP.

Section 3: Riot

The Class-D Containment Zone has been lost and Sublevel-5 is rendered unsafe.

Staff Movement

All staff must evacuate Sublevel-5 and stay within Sublevel-4. Any civil operations which have already begun and are within the corresponding containment zone may continue. Civil operations which have not already begun must be postponed.

Security Posture

Combative forces* should continue rapid response to the Class-D Containment Zone. Heightened awareness should be exercised at points of interest, such as containment zones and Secure Storage Wing. The Secure Storage Wing should be swept following the riot, checking for missing SCP objects.

* Guarding units are exempt from responding to site emergencies when actively protecting a VIP.

Section 4: Containment Breach

An SCP has breached containment and actively demonstrates hostility and danger to personnel.

Staff Movement

All staff must evacuate to an emergency shelter. Civil operations must cease immediately.

Security Posture

The Security Department must attempt to maintain control of the Class-D Containment Zone. The Military Police shall ensure personnel evacuate to and remain within the emergency shelter. The Mobile Task Forces will attempt to mitigate and contain the breach in accordance with internal regulations. All orders from MTF Eta-9 should be followed during this protocol without hesitation.

Section 5: Hostile Incursion

A foreign group has entered the facility unauthorized.

Staff Movement

All staff must remain in Sublevel-4. Civil operations must cease immediately.

Security Posture

Mobile Task Force Lambda-7 will assume leadership of combative response during the incursion. Combative forces should locate and terminate all foreign hostiles. Heightened awareness should be exercised at points of interest, such as containment zones and the Secure Storage Wing.

Section 6: Lethal Gas

The facility has experienced a prolonged, seemingly uncontainble threat, which requires the deployment of lethal gas to return the facility to normal operations.

Staff Movement

All staff must immediately evacuate to an emergency shelter.

Security Posture

Combative forces should evacuate to an emergency shelter to avoid death. Once the gas has been cleared, the Secure Storage Wing and containment zones should be swept for missing SCPs.